Mangano, Nassau BOCES Officials Announce Millions Of Dollars In Savings For Taxpayers Through Cooperative Bidding Initiative

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and Deputy BOCES Superintendent, Bob Hanna, announced that their partnership – the 21st Century Demonstration Grant School and the Municipal Savings Initiative – has so far saved $9.5 million through cooperative bidding.

“This partnership is unprecedented and is just one of the ways we are structurally improving Nassau County by doing away with old, ineffective way of doing business and implementing new, more effective and efficient ways to work together and save money,” said County Executive Mangano.

The bulk of that savings, about $8 million over the last 2 years, was derived from buying energy products such as natural gas and vehicle fuel, in bulk at a lower price. The rest was saved in the areas of transportation, auditing and telecommunications. The initiative includes Nassau County, BOCES and dozens of school districts and has served as a prototype for similar multi-jurisdictional collaborations in New York state and nationally. It began with a $1 million 21st Century Performance Grant.

Deputy BOCES Superintendent Bob Hanna stated, “The committee was recently awarded an extension of the grant and plans to continue these efforts and the municipal tax dollar savings into the future.”

County Executive Mangano invites all school and fire districts as well as Nassau’s towns, villages and cities to join the cooperative purchases of common goods and services to save taxpayer money. At a public presentation, Mangano praised the Committee for triggering competition among vendors and developing economies of scale.

Committee members also represent the Nassau County Association of School Business Officials, the Nassau County Council of School Superintendents, the Nassau-Suffolk School Boards Association and the New York State Department of State.

To learn more about the initiative please visit: