Chambers Of Commerce Endorse Mangano's Economic Development & Job Creation Plan For Nassau's HUB

Chamber of Commerces endorse Mangano HUB plan

Business Leaders & Local Merchants Rally to Save the NY Islanders and Prevent the Loss of Thousands of Jobs

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today joined the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce as they announced their support of a redeveloped Nassau Coliseum and the creation of a sports-entertainment destination center in the heart of Nassau County. The Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce, acting on behalf of over 40 Chambers of Commerce throughout Nassau County, voiced support for a new sports-entertainment arena and concerns over the loss of thousands of jobs should the NY Islanders leave Nassau County.

“Nassau County's businesses understand how important a new sports-entertainment arena is to our local economy and hope that all our elected officials and business leaders can work together to make sure it is built,” said E. Christopher Murray, President of the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce, Inc. “We cannot allow the Islanders to leave Nassau County along with the thousands of jobs and secondary jobs they generate for our community. The shuttering of the Coliseum doors would be devastating for our local businesses and those we employee.”

According to an independent economic impact analysis conducted by Camoin Associates, a nationally recognized firm in public and private sector economic development, a new sports-entertainment arena will create over 3,000 new permanent jobs, over 1,500 construction jobs, $403 million in tax relief for homeowners and benefit Nassau’s hotels, restaurants and service providers. Camoin Associates is expected to release an economic analysis next week that indicates just how many jobs would be lost if the current Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum closes its doors and the NY Islanders leave Nassau County.

“The support of the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce is an indicator of just how significant the redevelopment of the Nassau Coliseum is to our residents and businesses. The creation of a sports-entertainment destination will provide affordable family-entertainment for our residents, generate much needed revenue for our local businesses and help put our residents back to work,” said County Executive Mangano.