Operation Safe Child

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When a child goes missing, every minute is precious. Law enforcement needs accurate information and quickly. The quality of that information can make all the difference in locating a child. With that in mind, Nassau County District Attorney Kathleen Rice's Operation Safe Child program provides parents with an identification card for their children containing pertinent physical information to give law enforcement officials a head start on a missing child. Operation Safe Child

Using equipment that contains the latest digital fingerprinting technology and high resolution photography, our office can work with your school or group to provide free  SAFE CHILD Cards for parents. 

Operation Safe ChildThe cards contain a child’s name, biographical information, fingerprint images of both index fingers and a high resolution digital photo. The parents also have the option of storing their child’s data in the Division of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS) database in Albany.  This will link them to the AMBER alert and LOCATER programs in the event that the child goes missing. In addition, the fingerprints of that child will be included in a special search file and compared against all incoming fingerprints submitted to the agency. DA Rice's office has successfully produced over 10,000 cards for children in Nassau County and is looking to bring this program to all interested parents and schools. The service is free and DA Rice is eager to have the Safe Child team at your school or community event. For more information, email Maria.Ploth@nassauda.org.