April 10, 2000
Each year nationally more than 1 million calls are made to poison control centers due to unintentional poisonings from medicines and household chemicals. The three most important safety messages to prevent poisonings are: 1) Use child-resistant packaging because it saves lives; 2) Keep medicines and household chemicals locked up and out of reach and sight of young children; and, 3) Keep the poison control center number next to your telephone and call immediately if a poisoning occurs.
"Unfortunately sometimes curious young children gain access to household chemicals and/or medicines which can endanger their lives," said Legislator Norma Gonsalves (R-East Meadow). "I am pleased to provide some basic poison prevention tips that every person should check."
- Use child resistant packaging properly by closing the container securely after use.
- Keep all chemicals and medicines locked up and out of sight.
- Call the poison control center immediately in case of poisoning (542-2323). Keep on hand a bottle of "syrup of ipecac" but use it only if the poison center instructs you to induce vomiting.
- When products are in use, never let young children out of your sight, even if you must take them along when answering the phone or doorbell.
- Keep items in original containers.
- Leave the original labels on all products, and read the label before using.
- Do not put decorative lamps and candles that contain lamp oil where children can reach them.
- Always leave a light on when giving or taking medicine. Check the dosage every time.
- Avoid taking medicine in front of children. Refer to medicine as "medicine", not "candy".
- Clean out the medicine cabinet periodically and safely dispose of unneeded and outdated medicines.
The phone number for the regional poison control center is 542-2323.