January 22, 2001
"With the coldest weather in decades upon us it is important for residents to ensure their health and safety when venturing outside in the cold weather," said County Legislator Norma Gonsalves (R-East Meadow). "The Nassau County Department of Health makes the following recommendations to remain more comfortable and safe from the cold."
- Dress with several layers of light clothing rather than one heavy garment. Trapped air acts as a body insulator and allows the body to retain its heat. Wear wool sweaters, long underwear and gloves.
- Cover the head and ears with a hat or scarf since much heat-carrying blood flows through the many blood vessels of the scalp and ears and an uncovered head radiates heat rapidly.
- Stay dry. Body heat is lost through damp clothing by evaporation.
- Drink warm liquids and eat. Food is the fuel for the body.
- Do not drink alcoholic beverages since alcohol tends to dilate blood vessels, increasing the flow of blood to the skin and thereby losing internal body heat.
"I urge all of our residents to take particular care with young children and our senior citizens whose natural body responses to cold may be inhibited," concluded Legislator Gonsalves.