Frequently Asked Questions

1) How do I know if I’m a candidate for solar?

Do you own your own home? Would you like to reduce your electric bill? Does your roof get exposure to the sun’s rays, with minimal or no shadows from trees, chimneys and cables? If you’ve said yes to all of these, you are an excellent candidate for solar energy.


2) What do I do if my roof does not face the right direction or have the ideal tilt?

solar homeSolar systems are generally installed on a southern exposed roof. However, southeast and southwest exposure is good, and east and west can still yield considerable results. As far as your roof’s tilt, most roofs, from flat to 60-degrees, can accommodate photovoltaic panels. If you have a flat roof, your installer may use "top of pole" mounts, which will tilt your panels to maximize efficiency.


3) How do I get started?

You may check you local phone directory under "solar energy equipment," and we suggest that you visit Renewable Energy Long Island's Sunshine is Free website to select from a list of contractors who have been pre-screened by Renewable Energy Long Island.


4) Can someone assist me in navigating the steps to the solar installation process and understanding the incentives?

Your solar installer should have all those answers. A professional solar installer will:

  • Assess the amount of sunlight you get in your location
  • Determine the kind and size of system suited to your needs 
  • Analyze costs of different solar electric systems, including all applicable financial incentives
  • Assist with permitting issues such as building and electrical permits, homeowners associations, and required National Electrical Code and IEEE certifications.

You can also learn more about solar rebates and incentives by calling LIPA’s Energy Infoline at 1-800-692-2626.


5) How can I find out about qualified solar installers/contractors?

You may check your local phone directory under “solar energy equipment,” and we suggest that you visit Renewable Energy Long Island’s Sunshine Is Free website to select from a list of pre-screened contractors.


6) What questions should I ask a potential solar installer/contractor?

For detailed information, please visit LIPA's Solar Pioneer Consumer Checklist.


7) Should I also invest in energy efficiency measures?

Before you start shopping for the latest and greatest photovoltaic system, make sure your home is energy efficient. The less electricity you need, the smaller, and cheaper, the system required. Consider purchasing energy-efficient appliances, sealing drafty windows and doors, and be sure to turn off lights and appliances when they are not needed.

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