June 12, 2013

Legislator Ford Asks You To Remember: BICYCLE SAFETY STARTS WITH YOU!
Legislator Ford will help to promote bicycle safety by offering
(While Supplies Last - First Come, First Served)
Wednesday, July 24, 2013 • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Kennedy Plaza, Long Beach
The summer is perfect for going out and enjoying a bike ride to take in all the natural beauty Nassau County has to offer. However, it is important to remain safe while doing so. Be sure to remember that bicycle safety starts with you - always wear your helmet and follow the rules of the road as listed below.
Be Safe - Follow the Rules of the Road
• Obey all traffic laws, signs & signals
• Always ride your bicycle with the flow of traffic, not against it
• Always wear your helmet
• Don’t pass on the right
• Keep both hands ready to brake
• Use lights at night
• Wear reflective materials so motorists can easily see you
• Don’t operate a bicycle while wearing headphones, talking on a cell phone or texting
• Use proper hand signals when turning