December 4, 2012

Long Island Housing Partnership Offers Assistance for Sandy Victims
Legislator Denise Ford is pleased to announce that the Long Island Housing Partnership (LIHP) has created a program to provide funding to residents who had heating systems damaged by Super-Storm Sandy.
LIHP will make up to $5,000 available to eligible homeowners for repairs to residential heating systems. Eligible types of repairs include purchasing new hot water heaters, oil burners and other essential repairs to a home’s heating and hot water supply systems.
Affected homes must be located in the following communities:
Island Park, East Rockaway, Long Beach, Bay Park, and Inwood
Additionally, the household occupying the home must have an income that is below 80% of the median income level.
To receive an application, homeowners should call LIHP at (631) 435-4710 and request a Disaster Assistance Repair Application. LIHP will mail the application to the interested applicants. Please note that funding is available on a first come, first served basis. |