Chaminade High School in Mineola recently played host to the New York State Forensics League 2011 State Championships.    The New York State Forensics League (NYSFL) and its Long Island affiliate, Long Island Forensic Association (LIFA), promote leadership in high school students and teach analytical communication proficiency through speech and debate tournaments.  NYSFL and LIFA welcome participation by public, parochial and private high schools and their students.  Competitions throughout the school year lead to the State Championship.

Nassau County Clerk Maureen O’Connell introduced the program, swore in the participants, and congratulated the students on their dedication to this highly specialized form of communication

Pictured with Clerk O’Connell (from left to right) are Brother John McGrory, Director of NYSFL and educator at Chaminade High School, student debaters Myles Blodnick of Syosset High School and Patrick McCormick of Chaminade High School. 

Clerk O’Connell swears in the debaters. 


Clerk O’Connell reviews the principles of debating with the participants