(Mineola, NY) Nassau County Clerk Maureen O’Connell recently held a senior citizen flu shot program at the Williston Park American Legion Post No. 144. As a registered nurse County Clerk O’Connell knows the importance of protecting the health of seniors. The success of this program depends on the numerous volunteers, nurses and organizations from the community who give so generously of their time and talents. Winthrop University Hospital generously supported this year’s program by providing the necessary vaccine.
As always, the Williston Park American Legion and Ladies Auxiliary members played a great host to the event, along with community volunteers who kept the day running smoothly. The Chamber of Commerce of the Willistons donated the refreshments that were enjoyed by the seniors throughout the day. Also joining in the day’s events were students from The Wheatley School Key Club to offer a helping hand. Student nurses from Molloy and Nassau Community Colleges worked alongside volunteer nurses from the community to administer the shots. It was truly a community effort!
Community and American Legion volunteers, pictured: (front row, left to right) Mary Reardon, Marie Meagher, Barbara Afonso, Rita Hesse, Maureen Vitzpatrick, Rose Marie Farrar. (Back row, left to right) Margo Borres, County Clerk Maureen O’Connell, RN, JD, Bob Gordon, Ruth Valentine, Assemblyman Tom McKevitt, Mayor of Williston Park Paul Ehrbar, Past Commander Don Sassano, Bob Hess, Bill Vesley, Past Commander Jack Alfano, Bob Valentine
Community volunteers and officials, pictured: (front row, left to right) Paula Antun, Rose Marie Farrar, Rita Hesse, Mary Reardon, Ann Marie Smith. (Back row, left to right) Assemblyman Tom McKevitt, Mayor of Williston Park Paul Ehrbar, Margo Borres, Ruth Valentine, County Clerk Maureen O’Connell, RN, JD.
Officials and The Wheatley School Key Club volunteers, pictured: (front row, left to right) Assemblyman Tom McKevitt, Mayor of Williston Park Paul Ehrbar, Rob Vella, Rob Berman, AJ Polinsky, Phil Saginario, Christine Calamia, Ryan Laverty, Williston Park Trustee Barbara Alagna, County Clerk Maureen O’Connell, RN, JD.
Volunteers from the community who are nurses, pictured: (left to right) Margaret Mullarkey, Barbara Afonso, County Clerk Maureen O’Connell, RN, JD, Gail Karcher, Heng Quinn, Marie Meagher, Maureen Vitzpatrick and Mary Ann Mc Dermott.
Pictured (center) Margaret Mullarkey, RN and County Clerk Maureen O’Connell, RN, JD with Molloy College student nurse volunteers (left to right) Theresa Harrison, Erin Lynn Moran, Amy Wenz, Jenni Lyn Hobbe, Stephen Herbe, Deena Ganesh.