How do I determine if a vendor is already in the County’s master vendor file?

How can a vendor be added to the County list?

Can I make a change to a purchase order that has already been approved?

When a vendor completes and returns a claim form, what is considered valid ‘original supporting documentation’?

I ordered a department supply without having a purchase order in place.  How can I get payment to the vendor?

How can I find out if a blanket purchase order expired? 

Can I “reactivate” a past temporary vendor?

Will I have a problem if the shipping charges on my order are less or greater than estimated?

I am having trouble making an entry into FAMIS or ADPICS. My documents keep rejecting. What do I do?

My contract has been encumbered in FAMIS. Can I begin to submit claims?

Who may initiate a contract?

I do not see my question answered here.

Q. How do I determine if a vendor is already in the County’s master vendor file?

A.The Claims Department (also referred to as the Vendor Claims section of the Comptroller’s Office) uses FAMIS to manage vendor payment addresses, while the Purchasing Department manages vendor main contact information through ADPICS.

To find a vendor in FAMIS:

  • Enter the vendor’s federal ID number or individual social security number on screen FAML5460.
  • If the vendor is not found, enter the vendor’s name on screen FAML5450. You may have to try different variations of the name.
  • Once the vendor’s federal ID number or social security number is found, enter it on screen FAML5460 to review the vendor’s payment information.
  • Also review the vendor’s payment addresses by using the F6 key and review for multiple addresses using the F5 key on screen FAML5461.
  • If you intend to process a requisition through the ADPICS system, you must make sure the vendor is also listed in ADPICS.

To find a vendor in ADPICS:

  • Enter the vendor’s federal ID number on screen PCHL5200. If the vendor is not found, enter the name on screen PCHL1200.

If the number and all variations of the name are not found, it is safe to presume the vendor is not in the County’s master file.

Q. How can a vendor be added to the County list?

A. To be added into FAMIS, the vendor should complete and sign the County’s 700-W9 form and return it to the initiating department, which will approve and submit the form to the Vendor Claims section of the Comptroller’s Office or fax it to (516) 571-2533. Forms can be downloaded and printed by clicking here. To be added into ADPICS, fax the form to the Purchasing Department at (516) 571-6197.  

Q. Can I make a change to a purchase order that has already been approved?

A. Possibly. Contact the Purchasing Department and request a P.O. change order.

Q. When a vendor completes and returns a claim form, what is considered valid ‘original supporting documentation’?

A. Items that can be considered original supporting documentation will not be the same in all instances. Depending on the nature of the transaction, examples of valid documentation might be an invoice, an instruction by the court (a court order), or a purchase receipt.

Q. I ordered a department supply without having a purchase order in place.  How can I get payment to the vendor?

A. According to County regulations, a vendor is not due payment if a purchase order was not issued. Vendors are only authorized to make a delivery when they receive a written order from the County. Verbal orders should not be honored by the vendor and will not be honored for payment by the County. If the total amount is under the petty cash limit for a single purchase, you may pay the vendor from your department’s petty cash fund and file for reimbursement on a petty cash claim. Amounts that exceed the petty cash limit for a single purchase are not payable.

Q. How can I find out if a blanket purchase order expired? 

A. This information is available in ADPICS on screen PCHL2342, and you will need the blanket purchase order number. Search for a blanket order number by vendor name and number on screen PCHL2440. (You may need to change the “from issue date” and “to issue date” to a prior period to retrieve a listing of BPNC numbers and purchase order numbers.) To find the vendor number, use screen PCHL1200.

Q. Can I “reactivate” a past temporary vendor?

A. “Temporary” vendors are placed in the FAMIS system for a one-time only payment. There should not be any reason to “reactivate” one. To use this vendor again, add them to the system by having them complete and sign the County’s 700-W9 form and return it to the initiating department, which will approve and submit the form to the Vendor Claims section of the Comptroller’s Office or fax it to (516) 571-2533. Forms can be downloaded and printed by clicking here.

Q. Who may initiate a contract?

A. The Comptroller’s Office does not restrict who may initiate a contract. Employees with the appropriate authority may do so as long as internal departmental policy is not violated.

Q. Will I have a problem if the shipping charges on my order are less or greater than estimated?

A. Actual shipping charges that total less than estimated will not create a problem. Charges that exceed the estimate will be permitted by ADPICS if they do not exceed the total encumbered amount by more than 10% or $200, whichever is less. Shipping charges must be reasonable, and require documentation if they exceed $100.

Q. I am having trouble making an entry into FAMIS or ADPICS. My documents keep rejecting. What do I do?

A. An error code explaining the problem will be displayed. If you are unable to resolve the error, please contact the County’s technical support desk for assistance or further direction by calling 1-HELP (1-4357).

Q. My contract has been encumbered in FAMIS. Can I begin to submit claims?

A. Claims may be entered ONLY after the initiating department and the Claims Department both receive a copy of the final valid contract from the Clerk of the Legislature. The Claims Department routinely notifies the initiating department of its contract receipt. If your department has not yet received either its copy of the final valid contract or a mailed notification from The Comptroller’s Office, claims will not be approved.

Q. I do not see my question answered here.

A. For answers to questions not covered here, please email your inquiry, along with pertinent details, to: