1. How do I pay a vendor’s claim?

To begin, you must supply the vendor with a claim form.

2. Where do county agencies get claim forms to give to vendors?

Claim form #NIFS560 can be downloaded by clicking here.

3. What does the vendor do with the form?

The vendor will complete item numbers 1-12 and must sign and date the Claimant’s Certification Statement (item #8). Next, the vendor must send the Claim Voucher Document back to you, along with any original supporting documentation.

4. What do I do when I receive a completed claim form from my vendor?

First, verify that you received the goods or services and that they are satisfactory. Payments should not be approved by a department until it is satisfied with the vendor’s performance of services or delivery of products.

5. OK, I’ve done that. Now what?

Make sure the price per item, quantity delivered, date of services, etc., on the invoice is accurate.

6. What sections of the claim voucher document are completed by the county department once the vendor returns the claim voucher form to us?

Fill in the Index Code, the Subject Code, and the dollar amount being approved. Include the county department name, the contact person, and telephone number in the lower left corner of the form. If applicable, fill the order/contract number and/or the Blanket Order number. Do not forget to write in the document number in the upper right of the form after you obtain it from FAMIS or ADPICS.

7. The form is complete and the vendor’s performance is satisfactory. How do I begin the payment process?

Once you are satisfied that it is appropriate to pay the claim, you will enter certain information from the form into one of two systems (ADPICS or FAMIS). For instance, contract payments are recorded into FAMIS. To begin the claims approval process, you will first need to determine what type of claim you are dealing with. It is important to categorize claims correctly.

To assist you in this effort, we have prepared a list of the more commonly used claim types, along with their coinciding abbreviations (two digit alpha code), and the system you will use to enter the claim information, starting with the most frequently occurring claim types.

From the list below, find the claim type which applies to the claim you are working on and make a note of the abbreviation and the name of the system you will use. Please note that, most often, only one type of claim, VC, is input into ADPICS.

Claim Type Abbreviation Name of System Description
VC Claim ADPICS A claim to pay an expenditure authorized by a Purchase Order.
VD Claim FAMIS A claim to pay an expenditure authorized under aContract (Non-Capital).
VM Claim FAMIS A claim to pay an expenditure not authorized by a Purchase Order or a Contract. For example, petty cash replenishments, employee travel reimbursements, fees paid for assigned counsel, etc., fall under this category.
VB Claim FAMIS A non-expenditure claim to obtain funds being held for safekeeping or to obtain funds that will be accounted for as an expenditure at a later time (initial funding of/subsequent increase to a Department’s petty cash fund, payment of employee travel advances).
VR Claim FAMIS A non-expenditure claim to refund revenues already received (cancelled classes or ice skating lessons, overpaid contract administration fees, etc.) to their proper owner.

8. What are FAMIS and ADPICS?

FAMIS and ADPICS are modules in NIFS, the overall Nassau Information Financial System.

FAMIS , Nassau’s Financial and Management Information System, tracks payments received and made, recording them in the general ledger for financial information and management purposes. It is used for contract payments.

ADPICS is Nassau’s Advanced Purchasing Inventory Control System. ADPICS tracks records of bids, blanket and purchase orders, and requisitions.

You will use FAMIS to request payment of all claims, except procurement claims which are entered into ADPICS first, and then interfaced to FAMIS to generate a check for payment.

9. According to the list of claim types provided:

  • I have a completed VC Claim Voucher and the system is ADPICS. What is the next step?

Refer to Question #18

  • I think I may have a VD Claim; however, first I need to understand what is meant by a “non-capital” expenditure? A non-capital contract expenditure is one in which funds have been encumbered under an existing contract using the county department’s operating budget instead of borrowed funds. Examples of non-capital funds include GEN, GRT, CPF, NCC, PDD, and PDH. Examples of capital funds include CAP, CD1, and CD2.
  • I have a VD, VM, VB, or VR Claim and the system is FAMIS. What is the next step?

Refer to Question #10.