
Maragos: County Maintains A+ Credit Rating

Cost-reductions, lower borrowing and reasonable sales tax forecasts

Mineola, NY: Nassau County government’s ability to reduce costs, reduce borrowing and conservative estimates on sales tax led Fitch Ratings to maintain its A+ credit rating on County borrowings, Nassau County Comptroller George Maragos announced today. The A+ rating saves taxpayers money by securing a favorable interest rate for any borrowing.

"Fitch has acknowledged the County’s financial progress made through cost cutting, labor savings and restructuring of operations in affirming the County’s A+ bond rating," Comptroller Maragos said. "This is the fifth consecutive A+ rating for the Mangano Administration restoring the County rating back to 2005."

Fitch recognized the fiscal progress achieved and maintained by the County, by noting;

  • $20 million in savings from police precinct closures and $33 million from the privatization of the bus system;
  • Reduction of County workforce by nearly 20% since 2009 to 7,359 at the end of 2012;
  • Legislation eliminating responsibility for making property tax refund payments . . . effective in 2014 . . . would significantly reduce the County’s liability up to $100 million a year;
  • Debt ratios are moderate despite the county’s practice of bonding out tax refund payments.
  • Management’s ability to continue to reduce costs, especially labor, is essential to near-term budget balance and rating stability; and
  • "Reasonable" 2013 Sales tax growth forecasts for 3.7%.

The major ongoing concerns expressed include the impact of Hurricane Sandy, the “hurdles” from NIFA oversight and cost pressures from unfunded mandates and long term labor agreements.

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