Mangano Celebrates 100 Years Of Girl Scouting

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano was joined by his wife Linda, Nassau County Legislators, Donna Ceravolo, CEO of Girl Scouts of Nassau County and additional members of the Girl Scouts of Nassau County to light the Dome of the Theodore Roosevelt Executive and Legislative Building to celebrate “100 Years of Girl Scouting.” The Girl Scouts of Nassau County Chorus held a Cookie Booth Sale at the Dome Lighting to raise money to offset the cost of their trip to Washington DC, where they will be performing at the 100th Anniversary Event called “Rock the Mall.”Girl Scouts Celebrate 100 years

“Girl Scouting has a rich cultural history and has been progressive since its inception,” said County Executive Mangano. “Although Girl Scouting was always rooted in domesticity, it also builds coverage, confidence and character in young women.”

“I am honored and proud to serve as a Co-Leader of our honorary Girl Scout Troop Nassau Violets,” said Legislator Walker. “I look forward to continuing working with other troops and the Association as we embark on the next 100 years of Girl Scouting.”

Nassau County has always been a place where Girl Scouting has flourished with the establishment of the first troop in 1917 in Lynbrook. Today, almost 21,000 girls and 7,000 adults are members throughout Nassau County.

The Girl Scout of Nassau County has decided to establish an honorary Girl Scout Troop at the County level which will be composed of women who serve in the Nassau County Government. The Troop which we have named Troop Nassau Violets, after the Official flower of the County, will be led by Legislators Rose Marie Walker and Judy Jacobs.