Mangano Raises Awareness On Family And Domestic Violence

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano today announced that he has sent a letter to all religious leaders throughout Nassau County requesting they spread the message to their congregations that "Violence is not the answer."  The request comes as Mangano declares October 11-15, 2010 as “Purple Ribbon Week” in Nassau County in order to raise awareness of the need to understand, confront, and eliminate domestic violence.

In his letter the County Executive asks, "every faith-based organization in Nassau County to devote a sermon addressing family and domestic violence during October, which has been declared National Domestic Violence Awareness Month."  The letter to the clergy is in keeping with the County Executive's pledge to implement all the recommendations of his Task Force on Family Violence, which led him to declare a Public Health Emergency in Family Violence in Nassau County.

"Family violence is a growing public health issue and my administration is committed to ensuring that we take all steps possible to reduce the incidence of family and domestic violence in Nassau County," said County Executive Mangano.  "I am very appreciative to the faith-based community leaders who are supporting our message and assisting us in educating our residents.  As so many individuals and families turn to their faith-based communities for guidance and answers, I am asking that you kindly consider this recommendation to help spread our message to your congregations that “Violence is Not the Answer.”

If you or someone you know is dealing with Family or Domestic Violence, please call the 24-hour Domestic Violence hotline at (516) 542-0404.