County Executive Mangano Delivers Donations To Island Harvest Food DrivMangano delivers donations to Island harvest food drivee

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano delivered hundreds of food items to the Island Harvest Food Drive that was held at Bethpage Credit Union Headquarters. The food was donated by employees and residents in an effort to help feed the hungry during this holiday season.

“As you know, our nation faces tough economic times,” said County Executive Mangano. “Residents of Long Island face many challenges. In fact, 285,000 Long Islanders go hungry every day which makes food drives like this one so critical. It is the work of Island Harvest that will strengthen our resolve and provide the hope needed during this holiday season. I would like to thank Island Harvest for their dedication to feeding the hungry. They work they do each and every day is inspiring and should be commended.”

Island Harvest has delivered more than 60 million pounds of food, supplementing nearly 47 million meals, since its inception in 1992. Fighting hunger and touching lives, Island Harvest serves as the bridge between those who have surplus food and those who need it. To learn more about Island Harvest, please visit their website at: