Mangano Announces New Job Training Program To Put Nassau Residents Back To Work

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano has announced a new job-training program run by the Office of Housing and Homeless Services that is designed to return the unemployed to the workforce. Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the Employment Assistance Resource Program (E.A.R.N.) will feature both one-on-one coaching and weekly group meetings in five phases of classes, workshops, and lectures.

“In today’s economy, it is even more important to have updated skills in order to improve their opportunities in the workforce,’ said County Executive Mangano. “The E.A.R.N. program will give people support and training they need to be successful in the changing job market. It is truly an investment in Nassau County’s future.”

E.A.R.N. classes are held on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the Office of Housing and Homeless Services. Participants will receive assistance with office and computer skills, resume and cover letter writing, and the job search process. Mock interviews and customer service training are also available through the program, along with basic money management classes.

For more information on how to register for the E.A.R.N. program, please contact the Nassau County Office of Housing and Homeless Services at (516) 572-1900.