Mangano Teams Up With: Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey, Nassau County Fire Marshal & Nassau County Firefighters Museum


Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano joined Ringling Brothers and Barnum & Bailey, the Nassau County Fire Marshal and the Nassau County Firefighters Museum on March 11th to remind Nassau County residents to change the batteries in their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide (CO) detectors during Daylight Savings Time this Sunday, March 13, at 2:00AM.,

Using a super-sized battery and smoke detector, attendees reminded the public to change their smoke detector batteries when they set their clocks ahead this weekend for Daylight Savings Time. The Firefighters Museum will also be giving away free smoke detectors to patrons throughout the weekend.

“Residents should always make sure their smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are working, and the spring and fall time changes are the perfect reminders to test the equipment and change the batteries,” said County Executive Mangano. “Properly working smoke alarms and CO detectors could ultimately be the difference between life and death.”

In addition to changing batteries in smoke and CO alarms this weekend, Nassau County residents are reminded to:

  • Test alarms monthly by pressing the test button on the face of the alarm cover.
  • Install a smoke alarm on every level of their home.
  • Replace smoke alarms that are more than 10 years old.
  • Plan and practice a home escape in the event of an emergency-designate a safe meeting place outside.

“It is important to raise awareness of the vital role that smoke alarms and CO detectors play in fire safety,” said Nassau County Firefighters Museum Board President, Angelo Catalano. “Sadly, we’ve seen cases of Long Islanders who died from carbon monoxide poisoning over the years. A CO detector and smoke alarm are basic safety devices that cost very little, but can make a huge difference when it comes to saving lives. Using Daylight Saving Time is a great way to remind ourselves to change our detector batteries.”