Mangano Honors Woodbury Business For Helping Get Critical Medical Supplies To Typhoon Survivors In PhilippinesMangano honors Woodbury business for getting critical medical supplies to typhoon survivors

Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano (center) was joined by Consul General of the Republic of the Philippines in New York Mario de Leon, Jr. (front 3rd left) and Nassau County Office of Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Craft (front 4th right) as he honored Service by Air Global Logistics of Woodbury and the Catholic Medical Mission Board for their outstanding efforts to help those in critical need in the Philippines as a result of Typhoon Washi that struck December 16th-18th, devastating the cities of Cagayan de Oro and lligan and killing 1,257 people with many still missing.

The Catholic Mission Board donated $2.2 million worth of medical supplies to help those in need and Service by Air, who’s corporate headquarters is based in Woodbury, came through to not only provide the technical assistance needed to export this shipment in a timely fashion, but also incurred all expenses associated with logistics, labor, and shipping in excess of $2 million worth of medical supplies. In addition, the County’s Office of Emergency Management packaged 116 cases of MRE’s for the typhoon disaster relief. The special boxes and shipping for the meals were paid for by donations within the American Asian community.

“It is truly amazing and inspiring to see these acts of generosity and selflessness in the wake of a natural disaster,” said County Executive Mangano. “Average citizens reaching out to help complete strangers is what being a true humanitarian is all about.”