Mangano: Auto Auctions Net $300,000 For Taxpayers

What do a 2003 Ford E450 Ambulance, a 1978 Cushman 3-Wheel Scooter and a 1987 Ford F350 Pickup Tow Truck have in common? They were among the 120 surplus vehicles sold at auction recently as part of Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano’s initiative to sell off excess inventory.

The auction, which netted the County close to $100,000 included a mix of vehicles from various County departments that reached the end of their useful life. Rather than allow these aging and un-repairable vehicles to waste space, County Executive Mangano auctioned them in an effort to raise additional funds to hold the line on property taxes.

County Executive Mangano stated, “When I was elected County Executive I realized that car auctions had not taken place in several years and there was a surplus inventory of un-repairable vehicles wasting space throughout the County. Rather than allow these vehicles to rot, my administration has sold them for parts and raised in excess of $300,000 for taxpayers.”

The auctions, which are held bi-annually, include a variety of automobiles mainly from the Department of Public Works and the Police Department. The cars range in age, with some as old as 25 years.

Any individual, from the casual buyer to the seasoned mechanic, is eligible to bid on and purchase the vehicles which are advertised on and various social media platforms run by the County Executive, including Facebook and Twitter. Prospective buyers bid on the cars for several weeks leading up to the close of the auction. During the bidding period, individuals are free to make appointments with the County Executive’s Office to inspect the vehicles prior to entering a bid.

Future surplus vehicle auctions will be advertised at and