Mangano Announces Enhanced Security Measures for the 2013 Long Island Marathon

Mineola, NY – Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and Nassau County Police Department officials today announced the following enhanced security measures for the Long Island Marathon Weekend which will take place May 3rd through May 5th:
The enhanced security measures are as follows:
- All volunteers and runners MUST pick up credentials and bibs at The Expo Center located at Mitchel Field, Friday from 3:00pm to 8:00pm and Saturday from 10:00am to 4:00pm;
- All vehicles at the starting line and other staging areas must be credentialed in advance;
- A large contingent of uniformed & plain clothes police officers will be assigned to detail;
- All officers assigned from Nassau County Police Department Homeland Security will have portable radiation detectors;
- All bags and backpacks will be subject to K9 explosive detection;
- All bags will be inspected at all events;
- Participants must use clear bags at all events;
- Spectators may not bring bags into the finish line area in Eisenhower Park;
- Any bags or packages found on the ground will be discarded or destroyed. Participants should not place personal items along the race route;
- Spectators are not permitted at the starting line;
- Participants should arrive early due to modified road closures around the start and finish line areas and should plan to leave enough time for parking and travel to starting line; and
- Only registered participants will be permitted into the Marathon, Half Marathon and 10K starting line area on Charles Lindbergh Blvd. on Sunday May 5th.
“In light of the tragic events that occurred at the Boston Marathon earlier this month, we have put forth enhanced security measures for the safety of the Long Island Marathon participants, spectators, and all members of our community,” said County Executive Mangano. “I would also like to remind residents of our See Something Say Something Campaign, if something or someone seems out of place, please call 911.”