Together Forward

job creation 6

The Nassau County Executive, the Nassau County employees, and the Nassau County Legislature came together to move Nassau Forward.

Presiding Officer Peter Schmitt said, “Once again, under this administration, with the concurrence of the Republican Majority of the Legislature, we have addressed the needs of the residents, the unions and the economy.  By pumping $166 million into the Long Island economy, work can start on needed improvement projects, broken roads, and upgrading a faltering infrastructure.”

“I am pleased to join County Executive Mangano and Presiding Officer Schmitt to announce this bipartisan agreement on the 2010 Capital Plan,” said Yatauro. “We have assurances from the administration that key projects such as Udall’s Pond, Jackson Avenue, Nassau Road, Stannards Brook Park and Woodcleft Park will be completed. Residents will benefit. Jobs will be created. Our local economy will be stimulated. This is a great day for Nassau County.”

(Photo Credit: Michael Tamborrino)

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