
Dear Taxpayer:

I need your help to save our county. As you know, Nassau County faces serious financial challenges due to the prior administration's lavish spending habits and failure to reform the broken property tax assessment system.  While considering options to reduce these fiscal challenges, I am asking for your help in preventing, identifying and eliminating all the waste, fraud and abuse within our county.

Government waste can consist of poorly designed and administered programs, mismanagement, or misuse of public resources, costly government mandates that make no sense, or any other examples of inefficient spending that negatively impact Nassau County’s already overburdened taxpayers.

This website is designed to accept confidential reports of waste, fraud and abuse from taxpayers who want to help reduce the size of government and deliver services to Nassau residents more efficiently and cost-effectively.  Your anonymous tip could not only stop government waste, but also save jobs and tax dollars!

County workers are on the front lines and in the best position to identify waste, fraud and taxpayer abuse within their own departments.  If you are a county employee and aware of tax dollars or public resources being wastefully spent, misused or even abused, I want to hear from you!


Edward P. Mangano

County Executive