Report Illicit Discharges Into Nassau’s Storm Water System

(516) 571-7535

All Callers Can Remain Anonymous

The illicit discharge detection and elimination program is designed to identify and eliminate any discharge into our storm sewers that is not comprised entirely of storm water. These discharges can contain high levels of toxic materials and pollutants including heavy metals, oil and grease, solvents, nutrients, pathogens, and raw sewage; they can have a great impact on water quality and ecosystem health in our surrounding water bodies. Illicit discharges enter the system through either direct connection via piping or indirect connections such as infiltration from failed sanitary systems or spills on roads that are collected by catch basins.  People dumping waste oil, antifreeze, paint or other chemicals into a catch basin or stream are also major sources of illicit discharges.   

Nassau County field personnel conduct routine testing of our stormwater system to detect and pinpoint the sources of illicit discharges and they depend on the public to report any possible sources of pollution to Long Island’s waters. If you know of an illicit discharge into the County’s storm water system, please call us at our IDDE Hotline.

In July 2007, the Nassau County Legislature adopted a Drainage Use Ordinance that defines allowable discharges of non-storm water to the County’s storm water system.   This ordinance grants the County the authority to take action against any illicit dischargers and levy fines if necessary.

Sub Watershed Reports

Bailey Arboretum Full Report

Bellmore Creek Full Report

Cedar Swamp Full Report

Francis Pond Full Report

Kentuck Brook Full Report

Mill River Full Repot

Newbridge Creek Full Report

Tiffany Brook Full Report

Whites Creek full report