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Public Education is vital to the success of any municipal program that works to improve our shared quality of life.  Storm water involves everyone in Nassau County, because it affects the quality of the water we fish and swim in, and it affects the health of the wildlife and habitat surrounding our island. Certain pollutants pose an enormous threat to the health of these waters, and yet can be eliminated through simple actions taken on the part of industry, citizens, and government agencies.  One example of these simple actions is feeding Canada Geese. Canada Geese contribute significant amounts of pathogens and nutrients to our waterways; Nassau County has recently passed a goose-feeding ordinance, making it illegal to feed Canada Geese on public property and requiring educational signs at feeding locations.

The NCSWMP depends on industry, private citizens, and municipalities to reduce their pollution contributions to our storm water. Public education is crucial to this part of the NCSWMP, and the Department of Public Works has implemented training and education programs for industry professionals, municipal workers, homeowners, small business owners and students.



To arrange a speaker for your class or workplace on the impacts of stormwater and steps that you can take to reduce your impact, e-mail stormwater2@nassaucountyny.gov or call 571-7508.

Classroom Presentation         Booth

To download our educational brochures and handouts follow the following links: