The Public Involvement and Participation Measure is designed to include members of the public in the development of the NCSWMP, and in implementing it.  Nassau County continues to work with non-profits and watershed groups, and has reached out to professionals in trades related to stormwater, schoolchildren, members of the general public, and voters to improve the storm water system quality on our island. Elements of this measure include:


Children HelpingInvolving Our Students

The Fourth Annual Nassau County Stormwater Logo Contest is now under way! Nassau County invites students to submit a logo and slogan for the County’s Storm Water Management Program. The logo and slogan will be used by the County on the Program’s educational materials, which will help educate residents about the negative impact storm water runoff can have on streams, ponds and bays in and around the our local communities.

CleanupsLitter Cleanup

Throughout the year, Nassau County workers and volunteers from the community stage cleanups in Nassau County Preserves, removing tons of debris and garbage. Working

with the American Littoral Society, Nassau County and over 600 volunteers cleaned over 7000 pounds of litter and debris from over 20 miles of beaches in 2005. In 2006, over 900 volunteers came out to clean up our beaches, removing over 10,000 pounds of debris! Operation SPLASH, an independent membership-based not-for-profit group which works closely with the Department of Public Works, removed 1100 bags of garbage from bays on the south shore, and installed a number of watershed debris-collection nets.

Voting For protection

Voters overwhelmingly passed the 2005 Environmental Bond Act, and proposed a number of storm water related projects, of which 16 were ultimately chosen for funding. In 2006, another Environmental Bond Act was passed, and over dozens of  storm water related projects have been approved for funding.

Eco ZoneSponsorships

Nassau County invites the corporate sector to sponsor environmental projects through our partnership with Eco-Media.

EcoZone is a groundbreaking and nationally honored public-private partnership that provides positive marketing and environmental message delivery for corporate sponsors, while creating opportunities for government to address pressing environmental concerns. EcoZone is supported by Daimler Chrysler, Boeing, Hyatt, Bank of America, The USEPA, USDOE, and NOAA, as well as Robert F Kennedy, Jr. and a number of advocacy groups.

To get your company involved, contact

No Dumping

Storm Drain Identification

Storm drains that drain directly to the south shore bays or to Long Island Sound are often marked to notify the public that dumping represents a particular threat to the health of our bays. Nassau County invites members of the public, including civic groups and scouts, to mark their local storm sewers with county- supplied materials and prevent harmful dumping. To get involved, call 571-6850.




In addition, the County continues to work with watershed groups, non-profits, and volunteer organizations to solicit input on the NCSWMP and to implement its measures. More information on these groups can be found on our Info Links page.