Adult Protective Services (APS)...

accepts all referrals of adults, over the age of 18 years, who are alleged to be incapable of caring for themselves because of a physical or mental incapacity and/or are abused, neglected or financially exploited by others; and have no one willing or able to assist them responsibly. Services may be provided free, without regard to income. A caseworker will visit the person in his/her home within 24 hours, if the allegation is life threatening; and within 3 working days, if non-life threatening. It uses a case management approach to evaluate eligibility for homemakers, counseling, financial management services, and medical services. Anyone making a referral to Adult Protective Services in good faith is protected from civil liability.
For further information, call 516-227-8083.

Adult Preventive Services...

provides help for those adults who demonstrate a need for assistance in managing their activities of daily living, Adult Preventive Services is ready to help adults in need. Services may include medical and/or psychiatric support services, homemaking and financial management services.
For further information call 516-227-8083.

Family-Type Homes for Adults...

provides a family living situation for adults who need supervision and care. Caring people open their homes to adults that are mentally or physically impaired who do not require the skilled care of a nursing facility. A request to become a Family-Type Homes for Adults operator or to refer an interested adult may be made directly to the office of Adult Services at (516) 227-8083.

Adult Financial Management Services...

program is available for adults who are not able to manage their finances. It ensures the proper use of a person's income/resources and prevents the mismanagement and financial exploitation of those funds by others. A referral may be made at our Information, Resource and Referral Services Unit in person or by calling 516-227-8395.

Post Institutional Services...

program coordinates with the Department of Mental Health and State private psychiatric hospital units to ensure the proper discharge of patients into the community with the necessary social service support. The coordinator of this program may be reached at (516) 227-8488.

Homemaking Services...

program provides for in-home care for adults who need assistance with their activities of daily living in order to delay or prevent placement in nursing homes or other institutions. For further information call 516-227-8395.