Nassau County Business Development Unit


If you’re looking to start, operate or expand a business in Nassau County, Long Island – or if you’re considering whether to relocate here – we can help. We’re the Nassau County Office of Economic Development, Business Development Unit. Our mission is to promote sustainable economic development in the form of business investment and job creation, while expanding the county’s tax revenue base. We provide, and offer access to, a wide range of resources and services to help make your business a success. Take advantage of tax credits, low-cost financing, energy discounts, employee skills training, expert location advice and more. They’re available to your business right now, in one convenient place.

The Business Development Unit matches business needs with program product and service solutions that businesses need to grow and contribute to the larger economy.

Tax Incentive Programs

The Business Development Unit can help facilitate business participation in a range of tax incentive programs to make it easier to operate while encouraging economic and business investment and job creation. One such program is the Excelsior Jobs Program, an economic development program administered State-wide by the NY Empire State Development Corporation.  The program offers tax credits to businesses in targeted industries such as, manufacturing, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, high-tech, clean-technology, green technology, financial services, and agriculture. Qualified businesses may receive tax credits that can be applied against the business’ NY State income taxes.


The Grow Nassau Fund  is a small business loan fund that is marketed by the county and was developed through a unique economic development partnership between Nassau County, the Nassau County Industrial Development Agency and the National Development Council’s Grow America Fund, Inc. The loan is for existing, for-profit businesses and can fund working capital projects. Loans range from $50,000 up to $2 million.

Business Resource Partners

The Business Development Unit works with other internal and external government, non-profit and economic development entities in designing a package to meet the specific needs of an expanding business. One-stop meetings are often facilitated through the Business Development Unit office. Information about some of the business resources available on Long Island are found in our Business Development Resource File. Some of the business resources referenced include:

Other Information of Interest

Property Search

Facts and Figures about Nassau County

Map of Nassau County