HIV/AIDS-Sexually Transmitted Disease Services


HIV/AIDS (516) 227-9423


HIV/AIDS Bureau This bureau focuses on education as well as HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) counseling and testing to prevent the spread of the virus. It also assists in the coordination of a referral network of HIV/AIDS services, administers the $6 Million Ryan White Care Act grant and serves as a repository for HIV/AIDS statistics.

Free HIV Counseling and Testing is available in Nassau County

There are two types of HIV antibody testing for the virus that causes AIDS.

  • A confidential HIV test requires the person to provide his/her name. The person can receive a written copy of the test result. Free confidential HIV counseling and testing can be obtained by contacting the Nassau County Department of Health at (516) 227-9423.
  • The name of anyone with a confirmed positive confidential HIV antibody test result will be reported to the NYS Health Department. This information is restricted to those people at the Health Department who use it to track the epidemic and to better plan prevention, health care, and other services.
  • An anonymous test does not require the person to give his/her name or address. You can receive free anonymous HIV counseling and testing by calling the New York State Health Department at 1-800-462-6785. Each person who gets an anonymous HIV test will not be able to receive a written report of their results, unless their test is positive and they choose to give their name to the NYSDOH.
  • Both the Nassau County Department of Health and the NYS Health Department offer OraQuick Advance, the new 20-minute rapid HIV antibody test.
  • All people using medical sharps such as syringes and lancets should be disposing of them properly. For a free booklet on where to dispose them in Nassau County, call (516) 227-9423.

Ryan White Care Act This is a federally funded grant award for the Nassau-Suffolk metropolitan area. Major services to the thousands of people living with AIDS include ambulatory and outpatient medical care, transportation, dental services, emergency financial assistance and client advocacy.

HIV Partner Services Program Partner services provides HIV positive individuals with options for informing their spouses, other past and present sexual partners and persons with whom they have shared drug injecting equipment and paraphernalia of exposure to HIV. This program also provides referrals for medical care and other needed resources.

Sexually Transmitted Disease Control (STD) This bureau conducts confidential investigation, case management and contact notification services or reported cases of syphilis, gonorrhea and chlamydia to prevent the spread of these diseases.

Nassau County HIV Commission The Commission is a 33-member organization of people from the community that serves as an advisory board to the Department of Health. This commission is active in working with leaders of the county to prevent infection, educate the public on HIV/AIDS and make people aware of the importance of knowing their serostatus.

Additional information on HIV/AIDS and STDs may be found on the following websites:

American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR) -

HIV Clinical Resource - NYSDOH AIDS Institute -

HIV-AIDS Bureau, U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services -

National Association on HIV Over 50 -

National Center for HIV, STD and TB Prevention -

National Minority AIDS Council (NMAC) -

New York State Department of Health AIDS Institute -