October 7, 2013
Mineola, NY - Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and the Nassau County Department of Health join Safe Kids Nassau County in promoting pedestrian safety awareness this Halloween. With the days getting shorter, children are likely to be trick-or-treating in the dark when it is harder for drivers to see them and the excitement of the holiday can make everyone less cautious. A Safe Kids 2011 study revealed that only one third of parents talk to their children yearly about Halloween safety. According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration data, twice as many children are killed in pedestrian/vehicle incidents on Halloween between 4-10 pm as compared to the same hours on other days throughout the year.
“Halloween is an exciting time of the year, and to help ensure a safe and fun-filled day I urge parents to keep safety in mind while enjoying this exciting day,” said County Executive Mangano.
"Halloweenfestivities give opportunities for parents, teachers and child caregivers to educateour young children aboutpedestrian and motor vehicle safety tips."said Rosemarie Ennis, Director of Safe Kids New York State.
Tips for Parents
Safe Kids recommends that children under age 12 do not trick-or-treat without adult supervision. If kids are mature enough to go trick-or-treating without supervision, make sure they go in a group and remain on the predetermined route with good lighting. Parents must also remind kids to:
Tips for Drivers
Drivers need to do their part to keep trick-or-treaters safe from harm. Safe Kids also reminds motorists to be extra careful this Halloween and recommends that drivers:
Although pedestrian safety is a main concern on Halloween, parents also need to keep in mind that there are other hazards for their children on this holiday. For more tips on how to keep kids safe while walking on Halloween and throughout the year, visit http://www.usa.safekids.org and search Halloween.
About Nassau County Safe Kids:
Safe Kids Nassau County is a coalition of public and private organizations working together to prevent injuries to children. Unintentional injuries are the number one killer of children ages 2 to 14. Local statistics have identified the need to focus on: child passenger safety, pedestrian safety, bicycle safety and fire/burn safety. Safe Kids Nassau County coalition members have a passion to protect children and help them grow up safe and healthy.
The North Shore-LIJ Health System serves as the lead organization for the Nassau County Safe Kids Coalition who's 57 health agencies, organizations and hospitals membership collaboratively service its county's 4 million children.