Legislator Abrahams Congratulates People to People Ambassador Charles Byam

Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams (D-Hempstead) congratulated Charles Byam, the first student from Roosevelt to participate in the People to People Ambassador Program, at a recent session of the Nassau County Legislature. Legislator Abrahams presented him with a county citation

"I find this young man truly amazing,” Legislator Abrahams said. “At a very young age he has been chosen to participate in a very worthwhile program. As an ambassador in the People to People Ambassador Program he’ll learn a great deal, things he couldn’t learn in the classroom. He is the first student from Roosevelt to be chosen for this program and I am very proud of him.”

The People to People Ambassador Program was founded in 1956 to, as Dwight D. Eisenhower said, "promote peace through understanding." Students travel in delegations of 30-40 ambassadors led by experienced local educators. Student Ambassadors experience hands-on learning opportunities and immerse themselves in the arts, sports and family life of cultures around the world.

Legislator Abrahams Congratulates People to People Ambassador Charles Byam

Nassau County Legislator Kevan Abrahams (D-Hempstead) congratulated Charles Byam, the first student from Roosevelt to participate in the People to People Ambassador Program. He presented Charles with a county citation.