March 4, 2013
New York State has announced the implementation of three programs to aid the victims of Super Storm Sandy. Administered by Nassau County, they are designed to assist the two major segments affected by Sandy: residential homeowners and business owners.
With the understanding that funds, although specified by the US Congress, are not yet available and details of the programs are still being worked out and may change before a final version of the programs are released, the general provisions of the programs are as follows:
This money will be above and beyond what FEMA and Insurance coverage has allowed (if the claimed funds were not enough to cover the extent of damage). The homeowner must register for a pre-application. A case worker will be assigned to each homeowner, licensed contractors (or if necessary architects or engineers) will be bid by the homeowner and the successful contractor will be paid directly by Nassau County when the homeowner signs-off on the completed project.
Home owners that have spent their own funds to make up a shortfall difference from FEMA or their insurance coverage are also eligible to participate in the program. Contracts, receipts, cancelled checks and all applicable documents must be made available as proof of expended funds.
These funds are above and beyond FEMA, Insurance or SBA funds. The business owner must register for a pre-application. A case worker will be assigned to each business owner, licensed contractors (or if necessary architects or engineers) will be bid by the business owner and the successful contractor will be paid directly by Nassau County when the business owner signs-off on the completed project.
There are also special grants available for Fishing Industry and Seasonal Business owners.
All residents are encouraged to visit WWW.NYSANDYHELP.NY.GOV to begin the pre-application process. NY State and Nassau County are planning special out-reach for residents at Disaster Relief Centers located
throughout Nassau County.
Please visit for more information.