Legislator Jacobs Supports Building Bridges Charity

Nassau County Legislator Judy Jacobs (D-Woodbury) attended a Building Bridges Charity Event dance recital on Thursday, August 24th, held at the Oyster Bay Manor, located at 150 South Street, Oyster Bay. Alessandra Martorella, a third grader, developed the program called Building Bridges after losing both her grandfathers within 3 weeks. She never had met her Grandmother. Alessandra stated that this program focuses on seniors coping with many forms of disabilities, particularly cancer. Alessandra states, “I just want to make people happy and occasionally give them a good laugh.” Legislator Jacobs, who thoroughly enjoyed the dance recital, said, “This was such a delight. To see the smiles on both the seniors’ faces and the children’s faces warmed my heart. I felt enriched by having had the opportunity to see this.”

Pictured below with Legislator Jacobs is Alessandra Martorella, creator of

the “Building Bridges” charitable endeavor and a resident of Oyster Bay Manor.

Pictured with Legislator Jacobs is Alessandra Martorella, creator of the “Building Bridges” charitable endeavor and a resident of Oyster Bay Manor.

Legislator Jacobs with the members of the Building Bridges Dance Team

Legislator Jacobs with the members of the Building Bridges Dance Team