December 4, 2012

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Long Island Housing Partnership Offers Assistance for Sandy Victims

Legislator Howard J. Kopel, the Alternate Deputy Presiding Officerof the County Legislature, is pleased to announce that the Long Island Housing Partnership (LIHP) has created a program to provide funding to residents who had heating systems damaged by Super-Storm Sandy.

LIHP will make up to $5,000 available to eligible homeowners for repairs to residential heating systems. Eligible types of repairs include purchasing new hot water heaters, oil burners and other essential repairs to a home’s heating and hot water supply systems.


Affected homes must be located in the following communities:

Island Park, East Rockaway, Long Beach, Bay Park, and Inwood.

Additionally, the household occupying the home must have an income that is below 80% of the median

income level.


To receive an application homeowners should call LIHP at (631) 435-4710 and request a Disaster Assistance Repair Application. LIHP will mail the application to the interested applicants. Please note that funding is available on a first come, first served basis.