You work hard for your money, so it’s important to get the most out of it. Where can you turn to make informed major purchases? Do you know where to go when you have a consumer problem? To help answer both these questions, the Federal Citizen Information Center has published the free
2008 Consumer Action Handbook.

     The Consumer Action Handbook is published annually by the Federal government in cooperation with 31 corporate and
8 federal partners. All 176 pages of this book are researched and approved by Uncle Sam. It includes tips and suggestions to help you make educated consumer decisions and get the most for your money in today’s marketplace.    

     Identity theft is on everyone’s mind. Don’t be caught off-guard; the Handbook offers advice on protecting your personal information and steps to take if you discover your identity has been stolen.

     Does the current real estate market make you nervous?
Check out the “Housing” section of the Handbook for strategies for buying and avoiding foreclosure on a home.
The Handbook helps you understand options such as reverse mortgages, refinancing, and renting or leasing a home.

     Are you dissatisfied with a purchase or service? Use the Handbook’s sample complaint letter to clearly explain the issue and how you’d like it resolved. Then find the contact information for hundreds of companies in the Handbook’s Consumer Assistance Directory.

     For all of life’s purchasing decisions let the Handbook guide you, whether it’s buying a new car, getting a loan or choosing a doctor. The Handbook’s list of Quick Consumer Tips offers advice you can trust through your daily life as a buyer.

     The valuable information provided by the 2008 Consumer Action Handbook is also available online at www.ConsumerAction.gov. This easy-to-navigate site gives you searchable, interactive access to the Handbook’s information along with the latest consumer news. The free Handbook is also available in Spanish at www.Consumidor.gov.

    There are three easy ways to get your free copy of the
2008 Consumer Action Handbook:

* Send your name and address to Handbook, Pueblo, Colorado 81009.

* Visit www.ConsumerAction.gov and click on “Order Handbook.”

* Call toll-free 1 (888) 8 PUEBLO. That's 1 (888) 878-3256, weekdays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Eastern Time, and ask for the Handbook.

     Get even more information and take advantage of online government services resources at www.USA.gov and www.GobiernoUSA.gov--your official English and Spanish web portals to the Federal government.