January 2003

Area Code Scams
Area Code 809 and International Area Codes

If you call the 809 area code, you may think you are reaching a new area code, just introduced in your area. Forget it. The number is not even in the United States. It is a pay- per-call service in the Dominican Republic. If the number was in the United States, the service must have a brief grace period before a caller is charged, telling that caller what the charges will be. Phone numbers in the Dominican Republic are not subject to the grace period regulations.

Consumers could be charged hundreds of dollars before they know it, so know where you are calling and what the correct area code for that area should be.

If you have any questions or feel you have been a victim of this scam or a similar scam contact the department by e-mail or if you need to call us, we can be reached at 516-571-2600.