Nassau County strongly supports the establishment of the Long Island Voluntary Organization Active in Disaster (LIVOAD).  The LIVOAD promotes communication, cooperation, collaboration and coordination among all voluntary agencies in Nassau and Suffolk Counties that participate in disaster response and has created twelve planning groups around issues central to disaster recovery on Long Island.  These groups are focusing on the potential needs which will arise relating to case management, donations, food, housing, immigrant affairs, mental health, pet care, special needs, spiritual care, volunteers, and other issues. 

What is the LIVOAD?    

The Long LI VOAD is a coalition of non-profit, government, and for-profit organizations in Nassau and Suffolk Counties committed to working together in the areas of disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.  Members of the LI VOAD support each other through their collaborative planning efforts to identify potential needs of disaster victims and develop coordinated and efficient delivery of needed resources and services.  Each VOAD member organization maintains its own autonomy while coordinating closely with others in four key areas:

  • Planning for the needs of various populations post disaster
  • Training agencies to facilitate effective relief work in all phases of disasters
  • Convening member agencies in a coordinated response during disasters
  • Partnering with government emergency response and recovery agencies and programs.

What is LIVOAD's mission?

The LIVOAD's mission is to foster efficient, streamlined service delivery to people affected by disaster, while eliminating unnecessary duplication of effort, through cooperation in the four phases of disaster:  mitigation, preparation, response, and recovery.

When and where are meetings held?

You can find a calendar of LIVOAD meetings on Health and Welfare Council of Long Island's website at www.hwcli.com.

How can I contact the LIVOAD?

For more information about the LIVOAD or to obtain a nomination form for membership, contact Amy Carroll at the Health and Welfare Council of Long Island at (516) 505-4422 or acarroll@hwcli.com