Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano's Internship Program

Nassau County Executive Ed Mangano's Internship Program was created by County Executive Edward P. Mangano to cultivate Nassau’s leaders of tomorrow, prevent the ‘brain drain’, and tap into the incredible potential of Nassau County’s youth. The program, with its dedicated interns, interactive seminars, and carefully cultivated inclusive environment, provides students with a full experience of how their local government works.

One of the essential goals of the program is to provide interns with access to individuals who can impart knowledge gained by real world experience.  Through weekly seminars, participants have met with County Legislators, high ranking members of the administration, and even County Executive Mangano himself.

All interns are also assigned to one of the members of the Special Projects Team, who will act as a mentor and confidant. While each intern's specific office will be responsible for their day to day progress, the Special Projects Team will be charged with monitoring the overall performance of an intern.