Moving to Nassau County

Changing Your Mailing Address The United States Post Office
Locate your local Post Office

Updating Your Voter Registration Visit the New York State Board of Elections

Updating Your Driver's License Update or Obtain a New York State Driver's License On-line

Sanitation & Water Supply Information Sanitation (Sewers) & Water Supply 571-6021
1100 Prospect Avenue Westbury, New York 11590
- Administration 571-3151
- Construction 571-4100
- Environmental Engineering 571-4156
- Grants Administration 571-3179
- Hazardous Waste 571-6850
- Industrial Waste Permits (8:00 A.M.-9:30 A.M.) 571-7319,7320
- Sewer Permits 571-4152
- Water Management 571-6970
- Storm Water Basins / Sumps 571-8700
- Storm Water Drainage & Streams 571-8700
- Trees, Rodents & Mosquito Control 571-8700 Fax 571-3915

Cities, Towns & Villages Cities Towns and Villages A-Z