The "Victim Impact Panel" scheduled for 1/21/2014 at Nassau County Police Headquarters has been cancelled due to the weather

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Department Mission Statement

The basic mission of probation is the protection of the community through monitoring, controlling and rehabilitating convicted criminals (offenders). The department is governed by Rules and Regulations established by the New York State Division of Probation and Correctional Alternatives.  These Rules and Regulations have the full force and effect of law and are available HERE.  

This is accomplished through four state-mandated functions as follows:

Pre-Sentence Investigations (PSI) for the criminal courts and Investigations & Reports (I&R) for the Family Court. These are comprehensive psycho-social-legal investigations and evaluations of a defendant, which recommend sentencing alternatives prior to a Judge passing sentence. They are also used for jail, prison and parole classification.

Supervision is the most common sanction imposed by the judicial system. It is the most cost-effective alternative to incarceration available. Probation costs can range from $3 to $20 per day, compared to $198 per day in the CountyCorrectional .  Defendants are sentenced to a term of probation in the community, under the supervision of the Probation Department.  Probation Officers, as peace officers, are charged with enforcement of these conditions and protection of the community by arresting and returning violators to court.

Probation Intake is the gatekeeper to the Family Court. Probation Officers are charged with the responsibility of assisting petitioners who seek to gain access to the Family Court and obtain an Order of Protection. In juvenile delinquency cases, Probation has the power and authority to adjust cases without the necessity of appearing before a judge.

Pre-Trial Services occur in the District Court where probation Officers screen cases to determine if they can be released on low or no bail status. They also provide supervision and monitoring of some defendants to help assure their appearance in court.