Walk Safe Program - Tips
Use the crosswalk, that’s what it’s there for. Pay attention when crossing. Take that extra minute. Look left, look right, look left again, then cross. Always cross in groups. Don’t wear dark cloths crossing at night, and take your hood down. Drivers: slow down, and stop for pedestrians at crosswalks. Everyone needs to slow down. Is that 30 seconds going to make a difference? Is it really worth it?” Crosswalks are there for a reason. You’re not always going to be fast enough. Don’t text when crossing. Don’t listen to headphones while crossing. What’s the rush?
Tips For Drivers
- Stop for pedestrians at crosswalks and intersections - it's the law.
- Do not block crosswalks when stopping at intersections.
- Take extra care around schools, playgrounds, and neighborhoods.
- Always look out for pedestrians especially before turning at a green light or making a "right turn on red."
- Never run red lights.
- Be careful when passing stopped vehicles. They might be stopping for pedestrians.
- Allow 3 feet when passing bicyclists.
- Share the road. It's your responsibility to look out for others
In 2011, 126 out of 644 pedestrian crashes were listed as
the driver's failure to yield right-of-way
Crossing the street is not a game. It is very serious and can be dangerous. We need to make smart decisions to not only save our own lives but the lives of others. There are simple rules of the road and if everyone follows them, we can ensure pedestrian safety. One of the biggest causes of pedestrian accidents is jaywalking. Most people are in a rush and don’t want to go the extra few feet to the crosswalk. People fail to realize that the crosswalk is there for a purpose and can save your life. At most intersections there is a crosswalk signal button that, if pressed, extends the crossing time an extra 3 or 4 seconds.
Tips for Pedestrians
- Cross the street at marked crosswalks and intersections whenever possible.
- Before crossing, look left, right, then left again, and over your shoulder for turning vehicles.
- Begin crossing the street on "WALK" signals - never on solid or flashing "Don't Walk."
- Use pedestrian "push" buttons to activate/extend the walk signal.
- Use sidewalks.
- Make eye contact with the drivers so they see you. Never assume that they do.
- Stay visible after dark and in bad weather with light-colored or retro-reflective clothing
- Don't step suddenly in front of buses and trucks. They take longer to stop than a car.
- Pay attention to turning vehicles - especially trucks and buses making a "right turn on red." Be aware that truck/bus drivers often have to swing wide to negotiate turns.
- Watch out for trucks and buses backing out of parking spaces and driveways.