Welcome to Nassau County, New York.

I’m County Executive Ed Mangano and I invite you to explore all we have to offer our families, seniors and visitors here in Nassau County.

We have worked hard these last several months on repairing and improving many things here in Nassau County and our web site is no exception. Please take a look at some of our new and exciting features.

Your Nassau

On Your Nassau you can see a master map of all Nassau County has to offer from historical locations of the many services the county provides.

Wondering when the repeal of the home energy tax takes effect, how to get a birth certificate, or one of over a dozen other question we hear each day? Find it here at the click of a button.

Most Viewed Pages

Quickly find one of the 25 most visited pages on nassaucounty.gov

Stop the Waste!

In developing next year’s budget and considering options to reduce this multi-million dollar deficit, I am asking for your help in preventing, identifying and eliminating all the waste, fraud and abuse within our county.

Broken Assessment System Petition

Join me in urging the State Assembly and State Senate to fix Nassau County's broken property tax assessment system.