Practicing Good Housekeeping can help everyone minimize their impacts on the greater environment. While the goal of this part of the NCSWMP is to reduce pollutant runoff from Nassau County municipal operations by introducing new pollution reduction measures, private citizens can make great improvements to our local waters by making small changes in their everyday lives.
Every day, the Nassau County Departments of Public Works, Recreation and Parks, and Police undertake actions that maintain quality of life in Nassau County, yet when performed without consideration, can negatively impact Long Island’s waters. In order to reduce our impact, the county will implement personnel training programs, institute pollution prevention plans, and routinely inspect all facilities that are involved in operations that may impact water quality. Some of the County’s Good Housekeeping operations are:
- Working with the NYS Department of Transportation to reduce the amount of salt and sand that is used for road de-icing to the optimal level, therefore preventing excess salt and sediment from washing into our waterways.
- An Integrated Pest Management program (IPM) has been adopted for County facilities, which reduces the amount of chemical pesticides and herbicides used in parks and buildings by advocating non-chemical practices and products.
- The Departments of Public Works and Recreation and Parks have implemented a goose management plan on County property. Non-migratory waterfowl, primarily the Canada Goose, contribute large amounts of nutrients and pathogens to our lakes and streams in the form of excrement.
- The County now requires that all drainage projects with a discharge point that is larger than 36” must include a measure to prevent floatable waste and sediment from entering Long Island’s surrounding waters.
- County roads are inspected daily for debris and flooding, and roads and catch basins are cleaned according to scheduled maintenance and according to need to prevent debris (including autumn leaves) from accumulating and washing into waterways.
- The drafting of Generic Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans that will be shared with all members of the Storm Water Coalition as well as a BMP Handbook that collects best management practices for municipal operations in one reference tool.
Nassau County Best Management Practices
Nassau County Integrated Pest Management Program
Nassau County Sand-Salt Use BMPs
Nassau County Department of Public Works Facilities - Storm Water Best Management Practices
Nassau County Department of Parks, Recreation, and Museums Facilities - Storm Water Best Management Practices
Nassau County Police Department Facilities - Storm Water Best Management Practices
Nassau County Sherrif's Department Facilities - Storm Water Best Management Practices