![]() Nassau County Health and Human Services 60 Charles Lindbergh Blvd, Uniondale, NY |
Report Medicaid or Public Assistance Fraud On-line |
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Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud And Abuse In Nassau County
What Is Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud And Abuse?
What Is Nassau County Doing To Help Combat Fraud And Abuse?
Types Of Recipient Fraud
Types Of Provider Fraud
How To Contact Us To Report Fraud And Abuse
Please note: on this page, Fraud and Abuse refers to misuse of public funds. For information regarding Child Abuse or Neglect, please click here.
Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud And Abuse In Nassau County
Public benefit programs like Medicaid are a vital source of help for many Nassau County residents who need and deserve assistance. Unfortunately, there are those who take advantage of these programs and the people they serve by intentionally obtaining money and services they are not entitled to. In fact, the New York Times estimated that somewhere between 10% and 40% of the money spent on the Medicaid program alone is lost to waste, fraud and abuse. That's millions of Nassau County taxpayer dollars down the drain!
If you know of any business or person engaged in questionable practices involving assistance programs, speak up and make a difference. Make a call to the Fraud and Abuse Hotline today!
Or complete the confidential Complaint Form at the bottom of this page.
The source of all tips will be held confidential and it’s even okay if you want to remain anonymous.
What Is Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud And Abuse?
Fraud and abuse are any intentional actions which result in a recipient or provider receiving benefits or payments to which they are not entitled.
Fraud and abuse significantly and negatively impact the various assistance programs by wasting dollars that could be used to provide services for those people with a legitimate need for assistance.
Programs Impacted By Fraud And Abuse:
Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)
Safety Net
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (formerly "Food Stamps")
Day Care
Child Health Plus
Family Health Plus
Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)
Home Care
Nursing Home Care
Medicaid and Public Assistance fraud is a serious crime that can result in imprisonment, probation, civil penalties, and restitution and render someone ineligible for benefits for a certain length of time.
What Is Nassau County Doing To Help Combat Fraud And Abuse?
Nassau County is committed to protecting the quality and integrity of the County’s Medicaid and Public Assistance programs. As such, the Department of Social Services is actively pursing fraud and abuse throughout the various benefit programs. We’ve even created a special team of people who specialize in combating fraud and abuse.
Nassau County’s Medicaid and Public Assistance Fraud and Abuse Program involves a cooperative effort between the Nassau County Department of Social Services, the Nassau County Police Department, the Nassau County District Attorney’s Office, the Nassau County Attorney’s Office and the Nassau County Commissioner of Investigations, all working together to detect, prevent and deter fraud and abuse and to ultimately prosecute those individuals and providers who defraud or abuse the assistance system.
Our team focuses on two types of fraud, namely Recipient and Provider fraud.
Providers: Includes physicians, dentists, pharmacists, home care providers, mental health providers, durable medical equipment suppliers, ambulance companies, medical transportation companies, hospitals nursing homes, and day care providers.
The team welcomes tips from private citizens as well as employees or colleagues who work with providers who cheat Medicaid or other public assistance programs.
How to Contact Us to Report Fraud and Abuse
Fraud and abuse of public programs affect all of us.
Everyone can take responsibility for reporting suspected fraud and abuse.
If you have reason to believe that someone is abusing Medicaid or another public assistance program, you should report it.
Again, if you prefer, you can submit your complaint anonymously and the source of all fraud and abuse complaints are kept strictly confidential.