Edward P. Mangano, County Executive

Edward P. Mangano, County Executive

Click Here for Five Year Consolidated Plan

What We Do

Nassau County's Office of Housing and Intergovernmental Affairs (OHIA) is in charge of overseeing many federally mandated/funded programs. These programs, Section 8 Housing, Home Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG)and the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) are funded through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and are essential in providing and revitalizing housing and living accommodations, as well as providing expansive economic opportunities for

low and moderate-income families (Down Payment Assistance Program).

OHIA is committed to supporting all of the communities within Nassau County; especially those in the areas that have been underserved in the past. Staff are diligently working to establish stronger economic bases in our various downtowns. Through this downtown revitalization, we know we can strengthen our local tax base and provide a stronger sense of community for our residents.

For further information about what we do, feel free to click on the attached pdf of the 2008 Consolidated Annual Performance Evaluation Report to learn more.

Neighborhood Stabilization Logo

First Housing Lottery in Nassau County For Foreclosed Properties

Provides First-time Homebuyers with "American Dream"

of Homeownership

MINEOLA, NY- On September 14, 2009, Nassau County was host to Nassau's first Neighborhood Stabilization Program lottery for first-time homebuyers to purchase foreclosed properties in Nassau County. The Neighborhood Stabilization Program seeks to revitalize communities that have been negatively impacted by foreclosures. The Long Island Housing Partnership, Inc. (LIHP) conducted the lottery proceedings, and worked with Nassau County to determine which potential homebuyers met eligibility requirements.

"Nassau County has had more than 6,000 foreclosure filings, and communities all over the county are affected more and more every day by this crisis. Foreclosures not only hurt people who lose their homes, but they also bring down the values of other homes. We all take a hit when there is a foreclosure in our neighborhood," said the County Executive. "The Neighborhood Stabilization Program funding provides relief to communities that were hardest hit by foreclosures, and gives first-time homebuyers the opportunity to get into a home of their own. Everyone wants a piece of the American Dream, and this lottery makes home ownership a reality for people who may not have thought it was possible."

To date, Nassau County has purchased or is in contract to purchase 15 foreclosed homes. All homes remain affordable, with price ranges between $195,000-$290,000. Most properties are single-family-three-bedroom homes. more...http://www.nassaucountyny.gov/agencies/CountyExecutive/NewsRelease/2009/09-14-09.html

Click Here for First Time Homebuyers Information


Please click on the following links for more info:

Click here for NSP Quarterly Reports

Nassau County OHIA Applications

The Nassau County OHIA seeks Licensed

Home Improvement Contractors

Please click here for further information

Notice of Public Hearings and Fundings

List of Qualified Engineers

List of Qualified Architects

10 Year Plan to End Homelessness

Federal Reporting July 2010 Quarterly Report


Nassau County Office of Housing &

Intergovernmental Affairs

40 Main Street, 3rd Floor

Hempstead, NY 11550

Raymond Thomas, Director, OHIA

Kevin Crean, Technical Director, OHIA
